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The impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) on the environment Project

In this project, we conducted 10 meetings with stakeholders, and held an international workshop in discussing the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) health issues. We also collected and review research papers and guidelines published by international EMF regulating agencies.We also compared and analysis the currents exposure limits in the USA, Switzerland, China, and Italy. We concluded that it is urgent to clarify the complicated relationship between industry, government, and scientific communities in the EMF health issues.We have to explore the EMF risk perception, and public concerns, and conducted detailed exposure assessment.We have to work towards public, transparent, and democratic EMF risk management and communication.We also suggested to establish interdisciplinary and inter-governmental cooperation, and to get in contact with international EMF regulating agencies. Further, it is important to conduct community risk communication, and to set up precautionary long-term exposure limits in sensitive areas.
Electromagnetic Field, Risk, Health Effects